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Roast Chicken, with Mini Roasts and Sides

  I'm not sure about you, but one of our favourite meals in this house has to be a Roast Chicken Dinner with all the trimmings.  Succulent perfectly cooked chicken, crispy roast potatoes, fresh veg and plenty of gravy.  There is not much about a Roast Chicken Dinner I don't like!   I was recently contacted by the people at Hello Fresh and asked would I like to try out and cook one of their recipes in the comfort of my own home.  I think all of us can agree that cooking during this Pandemic has been somewhat of a challenge to say the least.  Its been really hard getting grocery slots and when you get one, you can't be guaranteed that you even get everything you have ordered.  Its been a bit like playing Russian Roulette at best.  There is nothing more annoying than planning on cooking something, and only having half the ingredients that you need to make it show up!  You then have to scramble and think of something else that you can make with what you have gotten.    You migh
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How to Make a Sourdough Focaccia

  I think you would have to be living under a rock in recent weeks not to see all of the highly decorated focaccia loaves on the internet.  Very pretty to look at for sure. I have only just dipped my toes into the world of Sourdough.  I recently mastered making the starter successfully along with a few bakes with the started and the discard. You can see my tutorial on how to make a Sourdough Starter here .      I am ever so pleased as I have finally mastered this skill!  I have also managed to store it and bring it back to life again with great success, and if anything it is even better now than the original one!  Apparently you can keep these things going for years and years.  I watched a program on the television about San Francisco, the birthplace of sourdough and in the original factory they were still using the starter that they had been using since the 1800's!!  Now to me, that's amazing! All of those highly decorated focaccia are very pretty to look at for sure, but for

Roasted Sweet Potato Salad with Lime & Honey

   You are going to love the recipe I am sharing with you today.  Roasted Sweet Potato Salad with Lime & Honey.  Do you love sweet potatoes as much as I love sweet potatoes?  If so, then this recipe is sure to become one you will turn to frequently in the summer months!   Sweet Potatoes are a wonderful vegetable.  Members of the Morning Glory family, they are an underground tuber and are filled with plenty of nutrients.  Rich in beta carotine, and high in fibre, these delicious tubers can be enjoyed boiled, baked, roasted, steamed or fried.    They range in colours from white to orange and everything in between.  I have not actually seen the pink, yellow, purple or white ones, but I am quite familiar with the red/orange ones both dark in colour and lighter.  The ones you need to be using for this recipe today should have a dark red skin.  They have the orangest flesh and look the nicest.   They have been called a super-food and are not at all the same as regular potatoes which come