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Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2018

Tagliatelle with Ragu Sauce

  I was recently asked if I would like to try a recipe from the new Cirio cookery book.  I would be sent the tomato ingredients to do so.   I said sure, I am always happy to try out a new recipe.  This one was for Tagilatelle with Ragu Sauce, and if you are thinking that doesn't look like Tagilatelle, you are right. Its not.  Its whole wheat spaghetti.  As a diabetic, I only eat whole wheat pasta and I did not know how to convert the recipe for the tagliatelle into whole wheat, so I didn't make the tagliatelle, but don't let that stop you from trying it!    As you all know I am a huge fan of the Cirio products.  I use them all the time.  When it comes to anything to do with tomatoes or tinned beans, I always buy Cirio.  That's because I know that they are always going to be really good.  A lot of people don't realise that the flavour of the tomatoes they choose to use in a dish can mean the difference between a dish being so/so and a dish being wow!   Which is

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Muffins

  One thing that I miss from home that I really, really used to love is the Robin Hood Oatmeal Muffin Mix.  It was something which I always bought and my family enjoyed.  We often added chocolate chips to it or raisins, and they went down a real treat!  They were family favourites.    I have never quite been able to replicate the flavour of those muffins, and I have really tried!     This recipe I am showing you today is adapted from one which I found in this little book, Muffinss, by Susan Reimer.  I did add some grated nutmeg to the mix because I was thinking that  might be the elusive flavour that I keep missing  . . .   They still don't taste quite the same, although . . .  in truth they are very VERY good, nonetheless!    Today I used a mix of both milk and semi sweet chocolate chips.  If you are not fond of chocolate chips you could use chopped dates, or sultanas, dried apricots or even currants.   Whatever you choose, I think you are in for a real breakfast treat!   *Oatmeal

Creamy Turkey & Rice

  This recipe I am showing you here today is a prime example of how we eat here in Casa de Rayner, most of the time.  Its fast.  Its easy and . . .  most importantly . . .  its delicious!   I like to think its also fairly economical in that it uses things I generally have in my freezer and storecupboard, like rice, milk, chicken stock, frozen vegetables, onions and I confess  . . .  frozen mushrooms.  I always keep frozen sliced mushrooms in my freezer.  They are perfect for dishes like this where appearance doesn't really matter that much.   I picked up some packs of fresh cubed turkey breast the other day.  One of them was perfect for this dish.  The other was frozen, so now I have some cubed turkey breast for the future when I want to make something quick and easy for another meal.   You could of course use cubed chicken breast meat, or even leftover cooked turkey or chicken from the Sunday roast!    All are put together in a simple way and in one pot, making it an easy put toge

Hot Roast Beef and Cheese Sandwiches

  This is the kind of weeknight supper that will have both you and your family jumping up and shouting for joy!  The family because its delicious and you because it is quick, easy and not a lot of faff involved!   Soft white buns . . .  spread with a horseradish mayo, topped with tender juicy BBQ Beef, and then slathered in a delicious cheese sauce . . .  mmmm . . .  what's not to like about that!   When you  first look at the list of ingredients, you might be tempted to think its far too much trouble to put it all together, but each element is very simple and doable, and once you get them all done and in place, the rest is a doddle!   The horseradish mayo is simply some mayo whisked together with horseradish sauce, this gets spread on the bottom bun . . .   The BBQ beef as well is really quick and simple.  Just whisk the sauce ingredients together in a pan, bring to the boil, then add the beef and reduce the heat until the beef is heated through.  Buy the thinnest sliced roast bee

Salted Caramel Drizzle Loaf

  I have a fabulous recipe for a Lemon Drizzle Loaf.   You just bang everything into the food processor and blitz it together, scrape it into a pan and bake.  I went to make it yesterday, got everything into the food processor and went to add the lemon curd which is uses and guess what . . .  NO lemon curd in the house.  Oh me oh my!  What to do, what to do . . .    I had recently picked up a jar of Bon Maman Salted Caramel Spread and after a bit of soul searching I decided that it was of somewhat the same consistency as lemon curd and I would use that instead!  The thought actually sounded quite delicious.   And so I went with it, and threw it into the food processor, scraped the batter into my loaf tin, banged it into the oven and then crossed my fingers.    Necessity is often the mother of invention.  It smelled gorgeous when it was baking.  It did take a bit longer than the lemon one to bake, but not a problem really . . .   The Lemon one does have a lemon drizzle topping on top, s