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Menampilkan postingan dari April, 2019

Oven Fried Chicken with Chive & Buttermilk Mash

  Yes, you read that right . . .  OVEN Fried Chicken.  The eagle has landed and my oven is now up to scratch!  It took them long enough, right?  Not complaining, I am just happy its working again. I love my stove, and am not keen to start over with one I'm not familiar with.      My Canon and I are familiar friends . . .  partners in crime . . . we know each other well and are happy to keep it that way!  To celebrate it being up and running again, I thought I would make one of Todd's favourite dinners, Oven Fried Chicken  . . . . along with Chive & Buttermilk Mash!    He loves his mash.  He is a real mashed potato fiend and will eat them any way, any how, any time!  They are his preferred form of potato, even over chips! (Not me. I love chips/French fries!)   The chicken is a fairly simple and easy recipe, one which I have been making for years. No, it's probably not any healthier than oil fried chicken,  but it is rather tasty, and not quite as messy to cook, so . . .

Making Juice

  I was recently afforded the opportunity to try out the Cookhouse Compact Cold Press Slow Juicer.   This is a Masticating Whole Food Juice Extracter, which means that it is a juicer which is able to extract a more nutritious juice. It does this by breaking down plant fibres more thoroughly with ​a ​chewing and grinding action, before extracting the juice under pressure. For many health enthusiasts a Masticating Juicer is the tool of choice for getting more from their juicing!!    The Cookhouse Compact Cold Press Slow Juicer has a wide Chamber, is easy Clean, and has a specialised motor for maximum nutrition & pulp extraction of fruit & vegetable juice ✔ MAXIMUM NUTRITION - Drink delicious, healthy juices from oranges, apples, vegetables, wheatgrass and more with our easy-to-use, powerful juicer! ✔ WIDE FOOD CHAMBER FOR WHOLE FRUITS - Place whole fruits and vegetables in the wide chamber for quick, easy preparation. No thin slicing or chopping required!  ✔ QUIET MOTOR - The sl

Spiced Carrot Soup

  We are at that time of year now where our stored and root vegetables are beginning to get tired and no longer at their very best.  Too early for the fresh crops, we make do with what we can get . . .  I often find that my onions have started to go a bit . . .   I find myself having to peel off and discard several layers before I get to what is good and usable . . .  all of these winter vegetables might be a bit past their prime, but they are still fabulous for things like soups and stews.   You are going to love this soup I am sharing with you today . . .  Spiced Carrot Soup, or the soup that almost wasn't! Today was one of those days  . . . when anything that could go wrong went wrong  . . .   Everything for the soup went together quickly and easily . . .  it makes good use of onions, garlic, and carrots . . . some grated fresh ginger root . . .  warm spices . . .   Ground cumin, turmeric, cinnamon  . . .  all very aromatic and  when combined most delicious . . .   These are coo

Tomato & Herb Sauced Alaskan Black Cod

  We absolutely love fish in this house.  I have been preparing and cooking fish since I was a girl.  I used to make a dish I called Tomato Baked Haddock for my family when I was a teenager that my mother just loved.  It was a simple dish, with frozen haddock fillets being covered with a tin of tomatoes, undrained, salt and pepper, some chopped green pepper and onion, then baked in an oven until done.  Sometimes I added oregano. My mother always asked me to make it for her when I went home.  She said hers never tasted the same when she did it.  Funny how that goes . . .  it must have been the love I put into it.    Fish and tomatoes are a beautiful flavour combination, especially when you add some herbs into the mix.  This recipe I am sharing today is simple . . .  simple ingredients, put together in a simple way  . . .   but with gorgeous results.  So gorgeous that I would serve it to company.    Of course the basis for any good fish dish is really GOOD fish!   I cut the recipe in hal