Do you have family favourites in your recipe repertoire? I have plenty in mine. These recipes are my tried and trues. Recipes that have been gleaned and collected through the years, handed down from family and friends. Shared recipes. Recipes that turn out every time and that never disappoint. Recipes with a history. Don't get me wrong. I love trying out new recipes. I have lots saved on Pinterest to try at some point. There are some wonderful gems in the new ones that I try as well, but after a time, I do tend to gravitate back to what I have known, loved, cooked and baked for many a year. Using one of these old recipes is like visiting with a long lost friend. A companion that has kept you company for many, many years. Recipes like this are usually attached to fond memories, be they of family members or of friends. This recipe I am sharing today is so old that I can no longer remember where it came from. It is one that I have be...