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Monkey Face Cookies

This happens to be one of our favourite cookies and I can't believe I have never showed it to you before today!  I went to bake them this morning, and was looking for the recipe in my online recipe file, only to  discover that it wasn't there, which meant I had never baked them for the blog.  I had to rifle through my big blue binder for the recipe, which was so not a problem, because I love rifling through my big blue binder!

This is a very old recipe which has a story attached to it.  I love old recipes, and I especially love old recipes with stories attached! Don't you???  Apparently the original recipe was found pasted on a piece of paper pasted into the drawer of an old table, hand written in fading ink, in an old fashioned script . . . "For Ella."  I don't know how true the story is, or who Ella was, but the story certainly has its charm, and I never fail to think about Ella and her charms whenever I bake them.  She must have been very special indeed to have someone want to bake these cookies for her!!

Why are they called Monkey Face Cookies?  Because of the raisins which you apply to the tops of them prior to baking.  Two eyes and a mouth, which settle themselves into cute little droll expressions during baking, each one seeming to say something different!

Some looking surprised  . . . others sad . . .  some angry, and still others very nonchalant . . . or even mischevious . . . .  kind of like monkeys!

Children love them.  Partly because of the name, and partly becaus they are delicious!  Its fun to pick the raisins off and eat them separately . . . its fun to eat them all together.  Its just fun to eat them!

They go down really well with an ice cold glass of milk, be you a child or a grown up!  Molasses cookies always taste wonderful with cold milk.  That is my considered opinion at any rate!

See that one with the little sticky brown sugar nugget in it?  I call dibs on that one!  Its mine! Yum!  Slightly chewy, and lightly spiced, these Monkey Face Cookies are good old fashioned pleasers.  There's no denying it!

*Monkey Face Cookies*
Makes about 4 dozen 

Children love these. The name comes from the funny expressions that the raisins make on the cookies after they are baked. This is a very old recipe. 

110g of white vegetable shortening (1/2 cup, Crisco or in the UK Trex)
200g soft light brown sugar (1 cup, packed)
120ml molasses (1/2 cup)
120ml sour milk (1/2 cup)
1 tsp vinegar
350g plain flour (2 1/2 cups)
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda (baking soda)
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground ginger
raisins for decorating (a large handful)

Preheat the oven to 190*C/375*F/ gas mark 5.  Line two large baking sheets with baking paper. Set aside.

Cream together the shortening, brown sugar and molasses until light and creamy. Beat in the milk and vinegar. Sift together the flour, soda, salt, cinnamon and ginger.Stir this into the creamed mixture, mixing it in thoroughly. Drop by heaped teaspoons onto the prepared baking sheets, leaving 2 1/2 inches in between each to allow for spreading. Place 3 raisins on each for eyes and mouth.

Bake for 10 to 12 minutes, until set. Let sit on the baking sheets for several minutes before removing to a wire rack to cool. Store in an airtight container.

Oh this one does look rather sad doesn't he?  I think I will gobble him up and put him out of his misery.  Bon Appetit!

Note - there are no eggs in this recipe, don't worry I have not left them out. The recipe is exactly as written.


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