Many years ago when I was raising my family, I used to watch a television show on the PBS channel called Harrowsmith Country Life. I loved it. It was a lovely mix of all the things I embraced . . . country life, bird watching, care of nature, gardening, wholesome food and cookery. I used to watch it and wish that I could live that type of life. Out in the countryside, with my own big garden, living sustainably off the earth, close to nature, and all that. Mind you, when I was a really young women, still at school, I wanted to live in a commune, like a hippy. I think I had a romanticised notion of it all in my head that was a far distance from the reality. What did I know about the world and life, not a lot really. Just what I read or saw on the television. Back in the 1990's I picked up this book at a second hand/cheap book shop in Meaford, Ontario. Based on the column in the Harrowsmith magazine entitled Pantry, it is filled with lots o...