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Cherry Croissants

Did you every have one of those days?    By that I mean a day where everything you touch turns to doodoo.  You spend all day working really hard, but at the end of it you got nothing to show for it.  Days where you float from one disaster right on into another.  Yep, having one of those horrible rotten days where everything I touch turns to dust.

First I had in mind to make some cheesy potato waffles using mashed potato flakes. I could picture them in my mind. Oh but they were going to be beautiful . . .  crisp and golden . . .  and I was going to serve them with bacon curls, roasted tomatoes and some fried eggs . . . 

First I couldn't get the batter the right consistency for the waffle maker, and the cheese kept getting stuck in the holes.  Then I burnt the bacon. At that point I gave up on them and the batter got washed down the toilet. (Don't judge me.)

I cleaned up the waffle iron and then I thought . . . hmmm . . .  lemon and poppyseed waffles with a black currant syrup and some ice cream . . .  

Failed . . .  again.  I'm batting for zero here.  Its just one of those days.  I gave up.  I have no idea what I am going to make us for our supper.  We will probably have beans on toast . . .  coz its a beans on toast kind of  a day . . .  we all have em.

In the meantime I rustled up these Cherry Croissants for Todd to help keep his hungry dragons at bay.  I am so busy working on the next book (I want it finished by the end of this month) and I have an art comission nipping at my heels.  There is no rest for the wicked. My mother was right.

These are a total doddle.  If I had messed these up, then there would have been no hope for me at all . . . seriously. You can't mess them up, even if you ARE having a day from the pits of . . . .  hello, what are you doing down here!!!

They only take a few ingredients.  A tin of croissant roll dough. Ours is a bit different over here in the UK.  It is more like Croissants, and there are only six in a tin.  I know that the American ones are not the same, but they will work also. You will just get more of them.

A tin of cherry pie filling. I used Black Cherry Pie Filling. I have never seen the really red one here . . .  just the black one.

Some icing sugar and milk for the glaze. I add a drop of almond essence because cherries and almonds go very well together.

That's it . . .  put together in a certain way,simply baked in a hot oven . . . and you have redeemed a lost, horrible, no good, rotten day. These are good.  Todd loves them.

*Cherry Croissants*
Makes 6
Printable Recipe 
Individual cherry pies, baked in a muffin tin. Easy peasy lemon squeasy.

1 can refrigerated Croissants
1 tin (410g) cherry pie filling (21 ounce tin)
65g icing sugar, sifted (1/2 cup)
drop almond extract
1 TBS milk 

Preheat the oven to 190*C/375*F/ gas mark 5. Spray a 6 cup muffin tin with non-stick cooking spray and set aside.  

Open the croissant dough and separate into triangles. Place one triangle into each cup. Fill with Cherry Pie filling, then fold the ends over top to cover.  Bake in the preheated oven for 15 minutes, until golden brown.  Let sit in the pan for a few minutes before lifing out to a wire rack to cool completely.

Whisk together the icing sugar, amond extract and enough milk to make a drizzle icing.  Drizzle over the cooled pies.  Let set, then serve.

Note - Any extra pie filling can be passed at the table if you have any.

One more thing today  . . .  the sun was shining and so I thought, I'll do the wash and get it out.  Did that and within minutes it started to rain.  Blah  . . . with the exception of these Cherry Croissants, I really can't win here.  I don't know that I dare try anything else! Tomorrow is a new day!  Bon Appetit!


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