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Berry French Toast in a Mug (Diabetic Friendly)

Food like can be difficult for a Diabetic.  I am a Type 2 Diabetic and my husband is not.  He can eat whatever he wants and never gain an ounce.  In fact he has a difficult time keeping weight on.   So in this house it is a fine dance between making sure he gets what he needs to eat and keeping me in line with what I should or shouldn't eat. 

As you know, I do bake him lots of treats and try not to overly deprive him without overly tempting myself.  It is very difficult at times and I admit, I do taste far more than I should sometimes, but thankfully my blood sugars stay within the guidlines most of the time. I can tell when I have gone overboard because my vision gets blurry and that's when I start drinking lots of water. Thankfully it doesn't happen very often. 

I saw this recipe on the Mr Food Recipe Kitchen site the other day, in the Everyday Diabetic Recipes Section and it looked really good and like something I could indulge in every now and then.  French toast. I love French Toast, but it is very rare that I can have it.

There are some very good sugar and syrup substitutes out there  that are sugar free and not too bad tasting.  Sukrin make some very good sugars (brown and white and icing) and I found a company here in the UK that makes wonderful calorie free and sugar free syrups. 

Of course whole wheat bread is very diabetic friendly because it is low GI and so long as you keep your amounts down, you can enjoy that as well on occasion. (Eating foods that have a low score on the glycaemic index can keep blood sugar levels steady and can even help your body metabolise fat more efficiently

I ordered a few different syrups from the Skinny Food Co a few weeks back. Some Ketchup, some Maple Syrup, and Vanilla Syrup.  Unfortunately sugar subs like this tend to be very expensive and never really come up to the satisfaction level of the real thing.    But at least they make it possible for you to be able to enjoy a treat every now and then. which is a heck of a lot better than not at all!

With the addition of fresh berries this was really good and made for a lovely quick breakfast that I totally enjoyed.  You simply mix everything together, pour it into a mug and then quick cook in the microwave, stirring it halfway through the cook time.

It wasn't even rubbery like some of these microwave goodies can be.  (Most microwave cakes are kind of rubbery, I find . . . but maybe I am just too picky.)

The original recipe called for egg substitute instead of an egg, but I don't think an egg every now and then will hurt.  We don't have egg substitute over here in the UK, at least not that I have ever seen.

Yield: 1

Berry French Toast in a Mug

prep time: 1 minscook time: 2 minstotal time: 3 mins
Quick, easy, delicious and Diabetic friendly. You can also easily adapt this for non-diabetics by using regular maple syrup and ordinay white bread.  I cut the crusts off, but I expect you don't really need to.


1 large free range egg, beaten
2 TBS skim milk
2 tsp sugar free syrup
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
1/8 tsp ground cinnamon
2 slices whole wheat bread, cut into 1/2 inch cubes
2 fresh strawberries, chopped
1 TBS fresh blueberries

To serve (Optional)
sugar free syrup
fresh berries


Spray a large mug with some non-stick low fat cooking spray. 
Combine the egg, milk, syrup, vanilla and cinnamon together in a bowl.
Add the bread cubes and the fruit.  Toss to coat evenly. Pour into the
prepped mug.

Microwave on highfor 45 seconds. 
Stir gently and microwave for about 30 seconds longer, or until the
bread is set in the centre.  Top with some extra berries if desired and a
 bit of extra syrup.
Created using The Recipes Generator

Craving indulged, I can feel good that I am sticking to my Diabetic guidelines, which is really important this time of year when we are surrounded by tons of goodies that we can't have!  I got some pancake mix from the company also, which I hope to enjoy one day.  You would just die if you saw how much I got and how much it cost.  I was not impressed, and actually a bit disappointed when I saw it,  to be honest, so I am saving it for a really special occasion!  

In any case this is quick, easy and delicious! Bon Appetit!


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