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Christmas Coleslaw

We had company for dinner the other night.  I did a Roasted Ham with a honey/mustard glaze, some Potatoes Dauphinoise and a variety of vegetables.  I also made this delicious coleslaw.  I love coleslaw and in my opinion, you gotta have coleslaw when you have ham!

Coleslaw is one of those salads that comes in very handy during the holiday season when we are doing a lot of entertaining.  It is easy to make ahead and goes perfectly on any buffet table! 

Perfect for Tree Trimming Parties and Pot Lucks!

My mother always made great coleslaw!  I can remember watching her stand at the counter making it.  She always shredded her cabbage by hand with a knife, and that is the way I like to do my cabbage also, with a knife.  I do grate the other vegetables, with the exception of the onion. That I chop by hand as well. 

This version is prettied up a bit for the holidays with the addition of chopped dried cranberries.  Dried Cranberries are sweet without being overly so and add an almost jewel-like quality!

I've also added chopped toasted walnuts.  I always toast my nuts before using.  It really enhances their natural flavours and helps them to shine.  I never add nuts to any salad until just prior to serving.

The dressing is a simple one with sour cream, mayo and Greek yogurt.  I have never used the lower fat version in this, but I can't see why they wouldn't work. 

There is also dry mustard powder for a bit of a punch, some lemon juice, white wine vinegar, seasoning and a bit of honey for some sweet.  The vegetables used are white cabbage, carrots, celeriac and spring onions.

Its just a really, really nice salad! 

Yield: Serves 4 to 5

Christmas Coleslaw

Delicious and colourful.  A great addition to the holiday buffet table.


1/4 pound celeriac (celery root) peeled and coarsely grated
1/4 pound carrots, peeled and coarsely grated
1/4 pound white cabbage, finely shredded by hand
3 spring onions, finely chopped
75g dried cranberries, coarsely chopped (1/2 cup
60g toasted chopped walnuts (1/2 cup)
poppy seeds to garnish
For the dressing:
40g sour cream (1/3 cup)
2 heaped TBS mayonnaise
2  heaped TBS plain Greek yogurt
1/2 tsp dried mustard powder
1 TBS white wine vinegar
1 TBS lemon juice
2 tsp liquid honey
salt and black pepper to taste


Prepare all of your vegetables.  Put them into a bowl along with
the cranberries and walnuts.  Whisk together all of the dressing
ingredients until smooth and well combined.  Pour over the vegetables
and toss well together to coat evenly.  Cover and chill.  Stir in the
toasted nuts and sprinkle with the poppy seeds just prior to serving.

Note - Best made on the day. You can easily  and successfully double this to serve  more people.
Created using The Recipes Generator

You can store any leftovers in the refrigerator, covered, but I don't recommend keeping it for any longer than a day! 

Have you seen these? They are called Fruit Savers and I got them from MyKtchn.  They are the most fabulous fruit saver/covers.  Easy to use and fabulous for all sorts! 

Handy Fruit Savers is a 4 piece set  of these flexible rubber lids that serve to help to prevent your favourite foods from spoiling. They are reusable covers and will work with almost any round fruit or vegetable, helping to keep them fresh for use the next day.

 They can also be used for containers which don't have a cap or are otherwise in the open.  How many times have you lost the cap for a jar, or have an open tin of something that you need to cover???  I do it all the time.   Problem no more!! These solve that problem perfectly!

 You can store sensitive foods safe from oxygen, reducing the risk of discolouration, which in turn helps me to reduce food waste and save me money. I just love them!  I don't think I would be without them now.  You can find out more about them here. 



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