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Salted Caramel Pavlova

I wanted to create something a big special to share on here for New Years Eve.  I had rather a lot of egg whites in the refrigerator from when I had made our Egg Nog for Christmas, so it only made sense to do something with them. 

I toyed a bit with the idea of doing a Lemon & Blueberry Meringue Roulade . . .  but then I decided not to go that route.  Todd's not overly fond of lemon and since he will be eating the majority of it, then I thought I best make something he would enjoy! 

I did see a chocolate pavlova that looked really tasty, but Todd is also not a huge fan of chocolate desserts.  (I know!  How can anyone not like lemon or chocolate desserts???)

That's when I decided to make him a Salted Caramel Pavlova . . .

With a simple billowing marshmallow-like base  . . . .

Filled with rich softly whipped double cream  . . .  I do add a bit of vanilla bean paste, but it is perfectly delicious on its own without any additions . . .

Over that I drizzled some melted dark chocolate.  I used a really good quality one with a high cocoa solids content . . . its often very nice to have something not so sweet as a contrast to what is essentially a very sweet dessert . . . so the cream is not sweetened and the chocolate is not either.

No worried however, as the salted caramel drizzle more than makes up for any lack of sweetness on their parts  . . .  had I used sweetened cream and chocolate, it might have been too much! 

The final addition was a sprinkling of candied flaked almonds.  If you have never made these, you are bound to be surprised as just how very easy they are to create! 

You just dump some flaked almonds and sugar into a skillet and then cook them over medium heat until the almonds toast and the  sugar melts and begins to coat them in a sugary praline.  Dumped onto a sheet of baking paper and torn apart with a fork, they were the perfect finishing touch!!

This turned out absolutely flipping gorgeous if I don't say so myself! 

It was beautiful to look at  . . . . 

And the textures and flavours were spot on! 

Sweet, creamy, crisp, unctuously magnificent  . . .  moreish . . .  delectable  . . . well deserving of being served for New Years Eve! 

Yield: 6 - 8

Salted Caramel Pavlova

prep time: 25 minscook time: 1 hourtotal time: 1 hours and 25 mins
A simple dessert that everyone loves with a soft billowing marshmallow meringue base, topped with a whipped cream filling and drizzled with salted caramel and dark chocolate.  Scrumptious.


4 large free range egg whites
190g caster sugar (1 cup, fine granulated sugar)
1 tsp cornflour (cornstarch)
1 tsp white vinegar

For the salted caramel sauce:
200g soft light brown sugar (1 cup packed)
115 ml single cream (1/2 cup half and half)
4 TBS butter
1 TBS vanilla extract
1 1/2 tsp fleur de sel

For the almonds:
1 1/2 ounces flaked almonds (1/4 cup)
2 TBS caster sugar
You will also need:
50g dark chocolate, melted (2 ounces)
300ml double cream (1 1/3 cups)


Make the meringue first. Preheat the oven to 130*C/260*F/ gas mark 1/2.  Trace out a 7 inch
circle on a sheet of baking paper.  Place the baking paper on top of a
baking sheet.  Set aside.

Place the egg whites into a clean,
grease free, glass or metal bowl.  Beat with an electric mixer until
soft peaks form.  Add half of the sugar and continue to beat until the
egg whites are stiff and glossy.  Slowly beat in the remaining sugar
(reserving 1 TBS) until it is all amalgamated.  Stir the cornflour and
remaining sugar together and beat that in along with the vinegar,
beating it for about a minute.  Spoon the meringue mixture out onto the
baking paper, spreading it with a metal spoon to fill the circle and
scooping it somewhat hollow in the centre, creating a raised edge all

Place into the heated oven and bake for about 1 hour,
until crisp on the outside and mallow like on the inside.  Set aside to
cool on the baking tray.  Once completely cooled, carefully peel off the
 baking paper and set the meringue onto a plate.
 the meringue is baking make your sugared almonds and caramel sauce.  To
 make the almonds, place  the almonds into a skillet along with the
sugar. (Have a sheet of
baking paper ready and waiting on the counter.)  Cook and stir over
medium high heat until the sugar melts and begins to coat the almonds,
some 2 to 3 minutes.  Take care not to burn the sugar.  Remove from the
heat immediately and pour the almonds out onto the baking paper,
spreading them out as much as you can.  Allow to cool completely.

To make the caramel  sauce, whisk the brown sugar, cream and butter together in a heavy bottomed
saucepan over medium low heat.  Whisk constantly for about six minutes,
until the sugar and butter have melted and the mixture has thickened
somewhat.  Whisk in the vanilla and salt. Set aside.
Break your chocolate up and melt according to package directions in the microwave. Keep warm.

 the cream until it forms soft dollops. Pile it into the centre of your
meringue base.  Drizzle with the cold caramel sauce and melted
chocolate.  Break the almonds over top and serve.

Created using The Recipes Generator

Not only was this delicious but it was really very simple to make!  Seriously simple really!  If you look at each step individually, and then just bring them together at the end, you will find this is a real doddle.  Simple ingredients, simple methods  . . .  put together in a most delicious way!  Happy New Year! 


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