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Spiced Pear Pinch Muffins

I've been really thinking lately about reducing the amount of refined sugars and fat that we consume.  I heard on the television the other day that people who eat a diet which contains a lot of highly processed foods don't live as long as other people.  Food for thought there.

I don't think this knowledge is going to make much of an impact on most people so long as the food industry continues to offer highly processed food at a lower price than good and wholesome foods.  The facts are staring you right in the face when you go into the shops.  It doesn't take a genius.

If I had a house full of children, was living on a limited income, and I had the choice between a plastic bag holding a handful of green beans or a paper sack holding half a dozen large sausage rolls for about half the price . . .  the choice is easy.

It would take several bags of the green beans to feed your children and keep them filled or you could buy a couple bags of the sausage rolls and keep them full and happy at half the cost.  Good food is expensive.  End of  . . .

Sad but true.  Someone needs to get on board with that fact and make processed foods more expensive and good food cheaper.  Anyways, I digress . . .

In my efforts to make a lower sugar muffin, I created these Spiced Pear Pinch Muffins.  No flour, just oats.  No refined sugars . . .  just a bit of Maple Syrup . . .

No fat, just a medium banana and 2 tinned pear halves, which also add some fibre and sweetness . . .

There is one egg in the lot, as well as some cinnamon and cardamom  . . .  both ground, along with a bit of salt, baking powder, and baking soda. You blitz it all in a blender until smooth and then spoon into mini muffin tins you have sprayed with  some low fat cooking spray.

8 to 10 minutes in the oven and presto chango!  Just look at how high they rose!  Lovely! 

And they have a beautiful texture.  I felt good eating one of these  . . .  like a real earth mother.   Healthy, low fat, filled with fibre and no refined sugars. You can't go wrong!

Yield: About 24

Spiced Pear Pinch Muffins

Delicious little bite sized muffins that are gluten and refined sugar free. They are also gorgeously fat free!  I know, amazing!


  • 80g dry old fashioned large flake oatmeal (1 cup)
  • 1 medium ripe banana
  • 2 tinned pear halves (in juice), well drained
  • 1 large free range egg
  • 3 TBS pure Maple Syrup (I like the amber Grade)
  • 1 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp ground cardamom
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp salt


How to cook Spiced Pear Pinch Muffins

  1. Preheat your oven to 180*C/350*F/ gas mark 4.  Spray a mini non-stick muffin tin with some low fat cooking spray. Set aside.
  2. Measure the oats, banana, pear halves, egg, maple syrup, cinnamon, cardamom, baking powder, salt and baking soda into a blender.  Blend on low for 20 seconds or so.  Scrape down the sides and then blend on high for 1 to 2 minutes or until all of the oats are completely ground, and the mixture is smooth.
  3. Spoon into the mini muffin tin, filling each hole 2/3 full.  Bake in the preheated oven for 8 to 10 minutes or until well risen and golden brown.   Tip out onto a wire rack.  Serve warm or cold.  Store any leftovers in a tightly covered container.
Created using The Recipes Generator

They really are good. If you are not fond of cardamom just use 2 tsp of ground cinnamon.  I think any mother would feel good about feeding these to her children, don't you??

Can you imagine opening the door of your little cottage in the morning and seeing that someone had dropped amazingly huge muffins into your front garden during the night?  I know!  Talk about manna from Heaven! 


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