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Foil Pack Mediterranean Red Snapper

I love using our outdoor grill in the summer months as much as we can. We get such lousy weather the rest of the year, when the sun is shining, I want to make the most of it.  Next Thursday we have all the Missionaries invited over for a BBQ, so it will be dogs and burgers (I hope the sun shines!).  Today we took advantage of the glorious weather and I cooked some fabulous Red Snapper which I had gotten from The Fish Society.

It has been at least 20 years since I have had Red Snapper. Its not a fish that I have seen readily available over here in the UK, which is a shame since it is a really beautiful fish, with sweet succulent flesh.  I love it.  I was so excited when I discovered it at The Fish Society! 

Todd had never had Red Snapper.  Did you know there are over a hundred species of Snapper?  There are only twenty five that are red.  The Fish Society sources their snapper from Indonesia, and comes flash frozen, descaled and ready to cook!  I knew we were in for a real treat! 

Because of the lovely weather we are having I decided to grill it on the BBQ grill. We don't have a fish basket so I did it in foil packets.  Its so easy to cook in foil packets, there is no fuss, no muss and no cleanup!

I added some lovely Mediterranean flavours  . . .  with a mix of olives, both black and green . . .  I used pitted Kalamata and Green Halkidiki olives.  Yummy!

I added some sliced unwaxed lemons for a bit of an acidic hit.  Lemon and fish go so very well together.  I also added some halved cherry plum tomatoes . . .  you can't get more Mediterranean than using olives, tomatoes and lemons  . . .

I tucked in a few torn basil leaves, and sprinkled them with some Italian garlic seasoning and coarse black pepper. You could also sprinkle with salt, but I didn't think with the seasoning mix that we needed any.

I also added some sliced Shallots for a bit of sharpness . . . peel them first.  A drizzle of good quality olive oil and we were ready to seal up the packets and go!

Make sure when you seal them up you leave some air space in the packets so that the fish can steam and absorb all of those aromatic and delicious Mediterranean flavours!

From between 12 and 18 minutes (depending on the thickness of your fish) on the grill and your fish will be perfectly cooked.  Sweet, succulent . . . tender and yes, really delicious!

Todd enjoyed his with a baked potato and some green beans!  He really loved the flavour of the fish. Some of the best he has ever eaten!  I concurred! 

This was a real taste treat, and oh so healthy as well!  The Mediterranean diet is one of the healthiest in the world!

Yield: 4

Foil Pack Mediterranean Red Snapper

White succulent sweet fleshed fish cooked in a foil packet on the grill with plenty of Mediterranean flavours.  Deliciously healthy!


  • 4 Red Snapper Fillets (each about 3.5 ounces/99g)
  • 2 TBS good quality olive oil
  • 240g pitted olives (1 cup) (a mix of green and kalamata)
  • 2 large unwaxed lemons sliced
  • 4 shallots, peeled and sliced
  • 150g cherry tomatoes, halved (1 cup)
  • torn fresh basil leaves
  • 2 tsp Italian garlic seasoning
  • salt and black pepper to taste
  • fresh basil to garnish (optional)


How to cook Foil Pack Mediterranean Red Snapper

  1. You will need four large squares of heavy duty aluminium foil. Place one fish fillet in the centre of each. Top each fillet with 1/4 of the olives, lemon slices, shallots and cherry tomatoes. Tear a few basil leaves and scatter over each filled. Sprinkle with the Italian seasoning, season to taste and drizzle with a bit of olive oil. Bring up the foil to cover completely, folding the top together and each side together, to completely seal, leaving some air space over the top of the fish giving it room to steam.
  2. Grill over a moderately hot grill for 12 to 15 minutes, until the fish flakes easily with the tines of a fork. (It all depends on the thickness of your fish. Mine took about 18 minutes, but it was quite thick. Alternately you can bake it in the foil packs on a baking sheet in a hot oven. (200*C/400*F/ gas mark 6) for the same length of time. Serve garnished with some fresh basil if desired. You can serve in the packets if you want, or using a spatula scoop out onto heated plates.
  3. I had a salad with mine, Todd had a baked potato and green beans.
Created using The Recipes Generator

I enjoyed mine with a salad on the side.  Oh, I would have loved to have a baked potato too  . . .  but I am really trying to be good!  This is a very healthy, Low Carb and Keto Friendly Recipe. Coming in at only 269 calories and a very low carb count (5.9 total) it is also perfect for anyone doing the 800 fast diet.

Fish from the Fish Society comes straight to your door, with an overnight delivery, and it is beautifully packaged.  Ready to throw right into your own freezer.  I highly recommend!  


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